CH.78-114 | THE QURAN

Juz Amma جزء عمَّ


Foreword | Sh. Ammar AlShukry
Advisors | Sheikh Yaser Birjas, Sheikh Mohammad Elshinawy

260 pgs. Softcover - English Only


The first verses and the magnitude of their revelation. A pure heart specially prepared to battle the evils of this world. A quiet man from the desert (pbuh) chosen by God for the greatest of victories. A reminder to never forget the downtrodden along the way.

Consisting of the endmost chapters of the Quran, the section of Juz Amma summarizes the Quran’s message in short yet powerful verses. First revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as he secluded himself in search for the truth, these chapters mark both the beginning and culmination of his prophetic mission.

Experience Juz Amma – thoughtfully laid out with The Clear Quran® English translation and corresponding photography approved by renowned Muslim scholars. Read as you have been commanded, practice what you have been enjoined, and tell the world that God has spoken.


Some of Juz Amma's themes include: God's Oneness, The Hereafter, The Role and Status of the Prophet, and The Outcome of Good and Evil Deeds.

This Chapter Supports


Inspired by Allah (swt) reminding the Prophet to acknowledge a visually impaired believer in this verse:

"You never know ˹O Prophet˺, perhaps he may be purified, or he may be mindful, benefitting from the reminder.”
Quran | Juz Amma 80: 3-4

10% of all proceeds from Juz Amma will go to Muhsen to accommodate Muslims with special needs and disabilities.

For God. For Good.

Left Brain Layout

Right Brain Design

Heart Penetrating

Action Inspiring

Attention to Detail

Beautifully Crafted.

We believe in striving for perfection to please our Creator. That's why everything we make is crafted with carefully selected materials and lots of love. You'll feel the difference as soon as you experience an Uponfaith product.


Left Brain Layout

Each section organized according to topic along with clearly defined headings for better flow. All so your analytical side can understand what the Divine is saying to you. Yes you.


Right Brain Design

Stunning photography based on the verses along with detailed design helps your creative and emotional side visualize every verse and reflect on its beautiful meanings.


Heart Penetrating.

Better understanding and reflection combine for a beautiful Quranic experience as you internalize the powerful message of God's words.

For God. For Good.

Action Inspiring.

Live the Prophetic experience and follow his mission by acting on the Quran's teachings. We get you started by connecting every purchase to a good cause inspired by a verse in the book.
