Joseph يوسف


Foreword | Sheikh Mohammad Elshinawy
Advisor | Sheikh Yaser Birjas

140 pgs. Softcover - English Only


Comfortingly revealed in Makkah to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during one of the most difficult periods of his life, the Quranic chapter of Joseph tells an inspiring story of a prophetic family torn apart by envy, held together by beautiful patience, and reunited by God Himself.

Experience the chapter of Joseph – thoughtfully laid out with The Clear Quran® English translation and corresponding photography approved by renowned Muslim scholars.


Joseph's major themes include: Patience, Repentance, Glad Tidings, and Forgiveness

This Chapter Supports


Inspired by Joseph (pbuh) calling his fellow inmates to Islam in this verse:

"O my fellow-prisoners! Which is far better: many different lords or Allah—the One, the Supreme?"
Joseph | 12:39

One copy of The Clear Quran® is given to an incarcerated person with every purchase.

For God. For Good.

Left Brain Layout

Right Brain Design

Heart Penetrating

Action Inspiring

Attention to Detail

Beautifully Crafted.

We believe in striving for perfection to please our Creator. That's why everything we make is crafted with carefully selected materials and lots of love. You'll feel the difference as soon as you experience an Uponfaith product.


Left Brain Layout

Each section organized according to topic along with clearly defined headings for better flow. All so your analytical side can understand what the Divine is saying to you. Yes you.


Right Brain Design

Stunning photography based on the verses along with detailed design helps your creative and emotional side visualize every verse and reflect on its beautiful meanings.


Heart Penetrating.

Better understanding and reflection combine for a beautiful Quranic experience as you internalize the powerful message of God's words.

For God. For Good.

Action Inspiring.

Live the Prophetic experience and follow his mission by acting on the Quran's teachings. We get you started by connecting every purchase to a good cause inspired by a verse in the book.
